Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR X2 // Editing a clip’s tempo map
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SONAR automatically creates a tempo map for each audio clip. In some cases, SONAR can detect the wrong tempo. For example, SONAR might detect a tempo of 120 BPM when the actual tempo is 240 BPM, or a beat may be mapped to the wrong transient. You can easily remap the tempo map, if necessary.
Beat markers. Each detected beat has a corresponding beat marker. You can remap a beat marker by dragging the marker to any active transient marker. When a beat marker has been moved, it turns red and becomes “anchored” to the assigned transient marker. An “anchored” beat marker is a marker that has been edited as opposed to a beat that SONAR detected. To “un-anchor” a beat marker, double-click the marker.
Average Tempo. This list shows the average tempo candidates: original, 0.5x and 2x. SONAR will do its best to detect the correct average tempo, but a clip can often have multiple potential tempos (60 BPM, 120 BPM, 240 BPM, etc.). If SONAR is unable to detect a tempo, Average Tempo will be set to Original, which is the project’s tempo at the location the clip was recorded or imported. If you change the Average Tempo setting, all clip tempo changes are adjusted to scale.
This list also contains the Set Clip Tempo From Project command, which copies the project’s tempo map to the clip’s tempo map. This allows the project’s measure boundaries to align with the audio clip.
Beats per measure. This list lets you specify the number of beats per measure. The value range is 2 to 14, and the default value is 4.
Click the Edit clip tempo map button on the AudioSnap palette.
If the Average Tempo list does not show the correct tempo, select the correct tempo.
If the Beats per measure box does not show the correct number of beats, specify the correct number of beats per measure.
Starting from the beginning of the clip, inspect the beat markers above the clip. If any beat marker is mapped to the wrong transient, drag the beat marker to the correct transient.
Note 1: Beat markers can only be dragged to active transient markers. If you need to drag a beat marker to a position that doesn’t have a corresponding transient marker, first insert a new transient marker at the desired position. For details, see To insert a new transient marker.
You can also use the Merge and Lock Markers command to merge transient markers from other tracks. This is useful, for example, if one track contains beats 1 and 3 and another track contains beats 2 and 4. For details, see To copy transient markers from one track to another track.
Note 2: If you hold down the CTRL key when you drag a beat marker to the left, the original beat marker and all subsequent beat markers will be renumbered accordingly.
The clip’s tempo map is recalculated and the dragged beat marker turns red to indicate it has been “anchored” to a new transient. An “anchored” beat marker is a marker that has been edited as opposed to a beat that SONAR detected. To “un-anchor” a beat marker, double-click the marker.
If a beat marker is dragged to a transient marker that is already assigned to a later beat marker, SONAR will automatically re-number all subsequent beat markers accordingly.
To hide the tempo map guide, click the Edit clip tempo map button on the AudioSnap palette again.
Tip: You can also enable/disable Edit clip tempo map from the transient marker context menu.
When you are editing a clip’s tempo map, you may frequently need to audition the audio to make sure you are positioning the beat markers at the correct transients.
SONAR creates a one-measure selection, starting from one measure before the position clicked. The selected time will gradually increase the longer you keep the mouse button pressed.

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