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SONAR has several different global tools that allow you to edit content in your projects. The global tools live in the Tools module in the Control Bar, and allow you to edit content in the following views:
Each tool serves a specific purpose, and the most suitable tool depends on the editing task you want to accomplish. The default Smart tool can be used for most tasks, but there may be times when a specific tool is either required or makes the editing task easier. For instructions about common editing tasks, see Using tools to perform common tasks.
To use a tool in the Track view, first select the desired tool, then select the data type you want to edit (clips, track automation, clip automation, audio transients, or notes). You can specify the desired data type independently for each track. For details, see Selecting the data type to edit.
Table 66. Tools  
The Smart tool is the default tool in SONAR. The Smart tool is a multi-function tool that combines functions from several other tools. The function is determined by where you click.
The Select tool lets you select data. You can select a time range, or select entire clips, MIDI notes, envelope nodes and transients.
The Move tool lets you move selected data. You can move entire clips, partial clips, MIDI notes, envelope nodes, transient markers and clip tempo map markers.
F8 (cycle through Edit tools)
The Edit tool lets you adjust data. You can slip-edit clips, adjust note start/end times, adjust fades, and raise/lower note velocity and automation envelopes.
Using the Edit tool on:
F8 (cycle through all Edit tools)
The Timing tool lets you slip-stretch audio clips, drag-quantize MIDI notes, and stretch audio using transient markers.
F8 (cycle through all Edit tools)
The Split tool lets you split clips, cut clips, split MIDI notes, and split clips at transients.
F9 (cycle through all Draw tools)
The Freehand tool lets you draw MIDI notes and freehand automation envelopes. You can also create and promote transient markers.
F9 (cycle through all Draw tools)
The Line tool lets you draw straight automation envelopes and “paint” MIDI notes.
F9 (cycle through all Draw tools)
The Sine Pattern tool lets you edit automation envelopes by drawing sine shapes.
F9 (cycle through all Draw tools)
The Triangle Pattern tool lets you edit automation envelopes by drawing triangle shapes.
F9 (cycle through all Draw tools)
The Square Pattern tool lets you edit automation envelopes by drawing square shapes.
F9 (cycle through all Draw tools)
The Saw Pattern tool lets you edit automation envelopes by drawing sawtooth shapes.
F9 (cycle through all Draw tools)
The Random Pattern tool lets you edit automation envelopes by drawing random shapes.
F10 (cycle through all Erase tools)
The Erase tool lets you delete clips, partial clips, MIDI notes, automation envelope nodes, and transient markers.
F10 (cycle through all Erase tools)
The Mute tool lets you mute clips, mute partial clips, mute MIDI notes, and disable transient markers.
The Scrub tool lets you play all displayed tracks as you drag the mouse pointer forward or backward at the desired speed.
The Zoom tool lets you change the vertical and horizontal scale of a view. You can lasso select a specific area to zoom into.

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