Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR X2 // Extracting MIDI timing information from audio
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AudioSnap (Producer and Studio only) ► Extracting MIDI timing information from audio

After you extract the timing information from an audio clip, the timing information is copied to the Clipboard as MIDI note events. You can paste the MIDI notes to a new MIDI track or use the Clipboard as a source for the Groove Quantize command.
With the clip still selected, click the AudioSnap Options button in the AudioSnap palette to open the AudioSnap Options dialog box.
In the Convert to MIDI Note box, choose C3. This is the note most drum synths use for the bass drum. If your favorite synth uses a different note, choose it now.
Choose a Note Velocities option: either accept the extrapolated velocities in the audio clip (the Vary With Pulse Level option), or set a constant velocity for the notes in the Set All To Same Value field.
Click OK to close the AudioSnap Options dialog box.
Click the Copy As MIDI button .
You can now paste the MIDI notes to a new MIDI track, use the Clipboard as a source for the Groove Quantize command, or save the extracted groove as a Groove Quantize file.
Note: All the new MIDI notes have the same pitch, and the tails of the preceding notes reach all the way to the following notes, so you can’t see the actual rhythm. You can easily shorten the duration of each note event in order to clearly see each note event. To do so, click Process > Length to open the Length dialog box. In the Length dialog box, disable the Start Times check box, enable the Duration check box, and type 50 in the Percent field. Click OK to close the dialog box. Assign the MIDI track’s Edit Filter to Notes and you will be able to see the rhythm if you zoom in.
Select Process >Groove Quantize to open the Groove Quantize dialog box.
Click the Define button to open the Define Groove dialog box.
In the File field, choose a file to save the pattern in, or type a name to create a new file.
In the Pattern field, type a name for the pattern, and click OK.

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