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There are various methods you can use to record your best performance. Comping refers to the process of recording multiple takes, then assembling a final “composite” track by combining the best parts from each take.
Comping record mode. The default recording mode in Sonar is called Comping. When recording, previously recorded material on the track is not heard. When a recording is done, the newly recorded material is unmuted and all other takes are muted for the duration of the new material. Each take appears on its own Take lane, with the newest take on top. For details, see Comping record mode and Recording modes.
Manual comping. When Take lanes are visible on a track, you can use the Smart tool or Comping tool to isolate overlapping takes. Simply click or drag across a take, and all other overlapping takes in the same track are muted. For details, see Comping with the Smart tool and Comping tool.
Speed comping. After recording multiple takes, you can audition any individual take, use keyboard shortcut keys to audition other takes and then select which take you want to use. For details, see Speed comping.
A. Comp clip B. Takes
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