Cakewalk // Documentation // Cakewalk // AVI Encoder Options dialog
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Dialog box reference ► AVI Encoder Options dialog

Clicking the Encoding Options button in the Video dialog box opens the AVI Encoder Options dialog box. This dialog box lists the AVI video and audio codecs (compression-decompression programs) that are currently installed on your computer. The AVI Encoder Options dialog box has the following fields:
This field is grayed-out if you choose the Default Codec in the Video field.
Note: If you intend to do a lot of seeking around or looping and editing while a video file is loaded, make sure that your video file has sufficient keyframes. Since each frame has to be computed from the last keyframe encountered, if you have very few keyframes in the video, performance may be slow. To change the number of keyframes, you may recompress the file using File > Export > Video and specify more frequent keyframes. Choose a suitable video compressor such as “Indeo Video 5.04" and change the KeyFrame Rate parameter to a number between 1-5. A value of 1 makes every frame a keyframe, and higher numbers insert a keyframe after that many frames.
This field is grayed-out if you choose the Default Codec in the Video field. If you are compressing a file to be played over the internet, use a data rate that doesn’t exceed the capacity of the media players you expect will be used to play your file.
Checking this box causes another dialog box to appear after you click the Save button. This is the Properties dialog box that allows you finer control over the configuration of the AVI file you are creating. The available parameters are Microsoft Direct Show settings.
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