Cakewalk // Documentation // Music Creator 7 // File - Folder Locations
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Dialog box referencePreferences dialog ► File - Folder Locations

The Folder Locations section lets you specify default folders for different kinds of Music Creator files. The default locations for all of these file types usually work well. However, if you find that this folder gets cluttered, changing the locations of the file types won’t hurt anything, as long as you remember where you put things.
Note: The only folder location you have to be careful with is the Global Audio folder (listed in Edit > Preferences > File - Audio Data), which Music Creator creates in the C:\Cakewalk Projects folder. Music Creator stores all audio data that is associated with project files in this folder. If you move this folder, Music Creator can not find the audio data for projects you have already recorded. To tell Music Creator where you moved the folder, fill in the location in the Global Audio Folder field in Edit > Preferences > File - Audio Data.
You can change the folder for a file type by typing a new path name in the particular file type’s edit box, or by clicking the Browse button and navigating to the folder that you want to store that file type in. You can set different locations for the following file types:
.cwp and .cwb files are your standard Music Creator project files. The default directory for your project files is \Cakewalk Projects, located in the root directory. .mid files are Standard MIDI Files and can be put anywhere you like.
The default directory for play list files is C:\Cakewalk Content\Music Creator 7\PlayList Files.
You can create menu layouts for your plug-ins by using the Plug-in Manager (Utilities > Music Creator Plug-in Manager command). The default directory for plug-in menu layouts is the \Plug-in Menu Layouts folder located in:
The default directory for step sequencer patterns is C:\Cakewalk Content\Music Creator 7\Step Sequencer Patterns.
The default directory for FX Chain presets is C:\Cakewalk Content\Music Creator 7\FX Chain Presets.
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