Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR X3 // Input Quantize dialog
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Dialog box reference ► Input Quantize dialog

The Input Quantize dialog box appears after selecting Quantize Settings in the Input Quantize section in the Inspector.
The Input Quantize dialog box contains the following settings:
Resolution. Set the note resolution in either standard note duration or tick value. The resolution determines the size note or time value that you want your MIDI data to conform to.
MIDI Event Start Times. Select this option to quantize MIDI event start times.
Note Durations. Select this option to quantize Note Event durations to the size of the Resolution value.
Only Quantize Notes. If selected, SONAR will not modify other events, such as controllers.
Strength. This value determines how closely SONAR moves the selected notes to the resolution value, or “grid”. See Strength.
Swing. Use this value to make groups of even eight notes (or whatever note you want to enter in the Resolution field) “swing”, instead of playing with exact eighth note rhythm. A value of 50 percent, or “50-50”, produces equal durations for both notes—no swing. A larger value makes the first note longer, and vice versa. See Swing.
Window. This value determines whether SONAR quantizes notes that are far from the quantization points, or leaves them alone. A value of 100 percent quantizes every note. See Window.
Randomize. This value randomizes the three previous fields to introduce a more human feel to the rhythm. The value you enter is the maximum amount of difference from the entered values that the randomize feature can add.
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