Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Instrument support for Mackie Control surface
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External devicesMackie Control & HUI protocol ► Instrument support for Mackie Control surface

On the Mackie Control MCU. Hold down M1 and press Plugin
On the Mackie C4. Hold down Track button and select SynthR from the menu
On other surfaces. Hold down Cycle or Scrub* and press Channel 4 Solo button
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 1 Mute. Selects the first synth in the Synth Rack.
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 2 Mute. Selects the second synth in the Synth Rack.
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 1 Rec (arm). Selects parameters 1-8 of the currently selected synth.
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 2 Rec (arm). Selects parameters 9-16 of the currently selected synth.
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 3 Solo. Control hardware outputs.
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 4 Solo. Control Synth Rack.
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 7 Solo. Channel Parameter Mode (also toggles between single/multi channel).
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 8 Solo. Plug-in Parameter Mode (also toggles between single/multi channel).
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 1 Mute. Selects the first effect in the FX Rack. **
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 2 Mute. Selects the second effect in the FX Rack. **
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 2 Mute. Selects the eighth effect in the FX Rack. **
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 1 Rec-arm. Selects parameters 1-8 of the currently selected synth.
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 2 Rec-arm. Selects parameters 9-16 of the currently selected synth.
Cycle/Scrub + Channel 2 Rec-arm. Selects parameters 57-64 of the currently selected synth.
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