Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // External Insert enhancements
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New features ► External Insert enhancements

It is no longer necessary for Preferences > Audio - Devices > Show Mono Outputs to be enabled in order to use mono channels in the External Insert (however, it’s preferable to show mono outputs, otherwise track or bus output will always utilize a full stereo channel).
Show Mono Outputs is enabled by default for new installations of Sonar.
Send/Return mode. This is the primary mode and is engaged when both the Send and Return ports are routed to hardware ports. In this mode the plugin echoes its send input to the main output. The external insert measures the net delay between the send and return and compensates for this delay, aligning the audio on playback. This is the only mode that is delay compensated.
Send = Hardware port
Return = Hardware port
[New] Send Mode. This mode is engaged when only the Send is routed to a hardware port and the Return is unassigned. In this mode the plugin sends its input audio to the assigned hardware output, and additionally passes through the audio through the main out effectively acting as a splitter. This mode can be useful to create a signal flow tap point from any FX Rack location. No delay is applied in this mode.
Send = Hardware port
Return = None
Return Mode. This mode is engaged when only the Return is routed to a hardware port and the Send is unassigned (set to None). In this mode, the plugin receives input audio from assigned return port and echoes the audio to its output. This mode can be useful to create an FX Rack insert from an external audio device or synth, or to receive input from another external insert tap point in Send Mode. You cannot ping to measure delay in this mode, but a manual delay offset can be specified to compensate for any delays.
Send = None
Return = Hardware port
Passthrough Mode. This mode is engaged when neither Send nor Return ports are assigned (set to None). Passthrough mode operates as if the plugin has been bypassed in the FX Rack. All incoming audio to the plugin is echoed unmodified to its output.
Send = None
Return = None
When loading an FX Chain that contains the External Insert, the Send and Return ports will reset to None if those ports are already in use in the project.
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