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New features ► Quick access to plugin settings

Load Preset. Load a .vstpreset preset file.
Save Preset. Save the current plugin settings as a new .vstpreset preset file.
Randomize. Randomize the plugin parameter values.
Oversampling. Specify whether the plugin’s incoming audio should be oversampled when bouncing, rendering, freezing, exporting, etc., or during playback:
Enable for Render. When rendering, upsample the incoming audio to 2x, 4x, 8x or 16x the project sample rate, process the plugin at the new rate, and downsample the resulting output to the project sample rate. For details, see Plug-in oversampling on bounce/freeze/export.
Enable for Playback. During playback, upsample the incoming audio to 2x, 4x, 8x or 16x the project sample rate, process the plugin at the new rate, and downsample the resulting output to the project sample rate.
Precision. Plugin oversampling uses very high quality resampling which may be overkill for playback and is a bit CPU intensive. To reduce the CPU load, the Precision submenu allows you to set multipliers for the resampling sinc size, which results in more efficient playback:
Low: The bandwidth is limited to 1/8 of the selected sample rate (for example, 6 KHz @48000). Low mode allows for significant CPU savings.
Medium (default): The bandwidth is limited to 1/4 of the selected sample rate, which is more than enough for playback.
High: The bandwidth is limited to 1/2 of the selected sample rate.
Highest: Full bandwidth. The Highest' quality mode improves audio precision with higher-order windowed- sine resampling of waveforms and noise-shaped dithering.
2x. Upsample the incoming audio to 2x the project sample rate.
4x. Upsample the incoming audio to 4x the project sample rate.
8x. Upsample the incoming audio to 8x the project sample rate.
16x. Upsample the incoming audio to 16x the project sample rate.
Sidechain Source. Select the plugin’s sidechain input source.
Enable MIDI Input. When enabled, the VST plugin shows up as an available MIDI output destination in the project. For details, see To enable VST MIDI input and output ports.
Enable MIDI Output. When enabled, the VST plugin shows up in the Browser’s Synth Rack, and the corresponding ports are exposed to Sonar.
Enable Plugin DPI Awareness. DPI Awareness is enabled by default for all VST plugins and can be disabled on a case-by-case basis depending on whether the plugins are compatible with display scaling. For example, some older plugins may appear too small on large, high resolution monitors, in which case disabling DPI Awareness might be preferable. For details, see DPI Awareness.
Plug-in Properties. Open the VST Plug-In Properties dialog box, which lets you configure various settings for the VST plugin.
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