Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Using the Tempo track
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TempoChanging tempos ► Using the Tempo track

Figure 108. Tempo track.
The Control Bar contains several tools (see Tools) you can use to add or modify tempo changes:
To insert a tempo change, do one of the following:
Click the Insert Tempo Change button in the Tempo track.
With the Smart tool , position the pointer over the envelope where you want to insert a new node, then click and drag the envelope node up/down to the desired BPM value, or left/right to the desired time position.
With the Smart tool , make a time selection, then drag vertically from the top of the track to insert two nodes at the selection boundaries.
Tip: You can also use the Project > Insert Series of Tempo command to create a tempo ramp. For details, see To insert a series of tempos.
With the Smart tool or Select tool , drag left/right to make a time selection.
With the Smart tool or Select tool , drag with the right mouse button to lasso select.
With the Smart tool or Select tool , drag in the Tempo track to select the tempo changes you want to copy.
Select Edit > Copy or press CTRL+C.
Select Edit > Paste or press CTRL+V. The contents of the Clipboard are pasted from the insertion point, replacing any existing tempo events.
You can also select Tempo Changes in the Cut Special (Edit > Cut Special), Copy Special (Edit > Copy Special), Paste Special (Edit > Paste Special), and Delete Special (Edit > Delete Special) dialog boxes to include/exclude tempo change events.
To enter a specific tempo numerically, right-click the envelope node and select Properties to open the Edit Node dialog box, then specify the desired BPM value and time position.
Click the Insert Tempo Change button in the Tempo track.
Jump. This choice causes the envelope to make a ninety degree jump where the envelope reaches the second node. The tempo value continues until the next tempo change. Sonar displays jumps with a dotted line, meaning that there is automation data at the nodes where the dotted line begins and ends, but not where the line itself is.
Linear. This choice draws a straight line between the two nodes.
Fast Curve. This choice draws a curve between the two nodes that changes value rapidly at first, but more slowly toward the end of the curve.
Slow Curve. This choice draws a curve between the two nodes that changes value slowly at first, but more rapidly toward the end of the curve.
Do one of the following:
With the Smart tool , position the pointer within the selection near the top of the Tempo track until the mouse pointer looks like this , then drag up/down.
You can also quickly convert the selected dotted envelope range to a Linear shape. To do so, right-click the selected envelope region and select Add Nodes at Selection.This creates envelope nodes at the selection boundaries, and converts the region to a Linear shape.
To offset the entire tempo map numerically, right-click in the Tempo track and select Offset Tempo Map, then specify a value to apply to all existing tempo changes. For details, see Offsetting the tempo map.
With the Smart tool or Move tool , position the pointer near the top of the Tempo track, within the tempo change you want to raise/lower, then click to select the duration of the tempo change.
With the Smart tool , hold down the CTRL key to momentarily invoke the Move tool
Click the TAP button in the Tempo track repeatedly to tap out a tempo.
Click the Insert Tempo Change button in the Tempo track.
Tip: If you want to use the computer keyboard to tap, select Project > Insert Tempo Change to open the Tempo dialog box, then click the Click here to tap tempo button to give it focus, and tap with the SPACEBAR or ENTER key.
To delete a tempo change, do one of the following:
With the Smart tool , click a node or drag with the right mouse button to lasso select multiple nodes, then press the DELETE key or select Edit > Delete.
With the Smart tool , Move tool , or Edit tool , double-click the node.
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