Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Freehand tool
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Tools ► Freehand tool

A. Note draw duration (note value)
Do one of the following:
Draw velocity linearly (only when velocity is not shown in the Controller pane)
Note: You can specify how shape smoothing works when using the Freehand tool on envelope shapes. To do so, click the Track view Options menu, point to Automation Smoothing, then select one of the following options:
Smooth. Uses the existing fit-to-curve functionality. This is the default setting.
As Drawn/Recorded (Linear). Joins the nodes up with linear shapes.
As Drawn/Recorded (Jumps). Leaves the nodes as is, making them jump shapes.
You can specify how shape smoothing works when using the Freehand tool on envelope shapes. When Smooth is selected, shape smoothing uses the default fit-to-curve functionality.
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