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The Event Filter dialog box looks like this:
Figure 404. The Event Filter - Search dialog box.
A. Check to include this type of event B. Enter the range of values for the events you want
You can choose either to include or exclude the events that meet the specified criteria. To exclude events within the designated range and select the ones outside the designated range, select the exc check box for that value range.
The All and None buttons help you set up the event filter the way you want:
Set the event filter to not include any events. Starting from a blank slate, you can check off the types of events you want to find or select and enter the desired ranges of values.
The Edit > Select > By Filter command is used to refine a selection by applying an event filter to an initial selection. You can use this command any number of times to refine the selection even further. Before using this command, use any of the selection commands and tools to create an initial set of selected event. You can use the Edit > Select > All command to select all events in the current view.
The Track view cannot display individual selected events. As a result, the Edit > Select > By Filter command will not necessarily change the appearance of the Track view. Cakewalk applies the event filter rule, but the change is not visible. However, once you change the selection in any way (for example, by clicking on a track number or by clicking in the Time Ruler), the effects of the event filter are erased. If you want to use the filter, you must choose Edit > Select > By Filter again and click OK to use the same filter values.
Choose Edit > Select > By Filter to display the Event Filter dialog box.
Choose Edit > Select > By Filter to display the Event Filter dialog box.
Click the None button to clear the dialog box.
Select the Note check box, and enter a minimum value of C4. The maximum should already be set to C9.
Click OK. Cakewalk selects all the notes from C4 up.
Choose Edit > Cut to move the selected notes to the Clipboard.
Choose Edit > Paste and paste the events to a different track.
The Process > Find/Change command is an extremely flexible way of manipulating the data parameters of events. It works something like the search-and-replace function in a word processor but with scaling rather than simple replacement.
In the second Event Filter dialog box, the check boxes and value ranges for beats and ticks are ignored. Only the replacement value ranges for the selected event types are used.
The Process > Find/Change command understands a wild card octave number in the second event filter to mean, “replace the original note with a different note in the original octave.” Using octave wild cards for both the search and replacement event filters lets you, for instance, change all E-flats to E-naturals, preserving the octave of each note.
A few examples will illustrate some of the many uses of the Process > Find/Change command. These examples apply to the note event type, though the command can be used on any type of event.
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