To globally enable/disable upsampling for a plug-in, click the FX icon in the upper left corner of a plug-in window, and select Upsample on Render or Upsample on Playback on the drop-down menu. These options globally persists for all instances of the plug-in in all projects, so it only needs to be set once per plug-in.
The per plug-in upsample settings are stored in the Aud.ini file, under the key [PluginUpsampler] like this:A plug-in is only listed in the Aud.ini file after you have toggled its Upsample on Render or Upsample on Playback option. The long number string is the plug-in’s CLSID, and is unique for each plug-in.The {Plug-in CLSID}.EnableFlags= variable specifies whether resampling is applied. It corresponds to the Upsample on Render and Upsample on Playback settings in Cakewalk’s UI. Valid values are as follows:The {Plug-in CLSID}.SampleRate= variable specifies the per plug-in upsampling rate. It defaults to a value of 0 (zero), which means “resample at twice the project sample rate”. The max sample rate is 384000 Hz. This variable is not stored in the Aud.ini file by default, so it must be manually added if you want to change a plug-in’s upsample rate (Tip: copy the CLSID from the corresponding EnableFlags= variable).To globally enable/disable plug-in upsampling for plug-ins that already have upsampling enabled, click the Enable/Bypass Plug-In Upsampling button in the Control Bar’s Mix module. Upsampling is enabled when the button is lit.Figure 436. The Mix module.
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