The time associated with a marker can be expressed in musical time or as a locked SMPTE time. If a marker has a musical time (measures, beats, and ticks), the marker stays at that musical time regardless of changes in tempo. If a marker has a locked SMPTE time (hours, minutes, seconds, and frames), the marker stays at the same time even when the tempo is changed. Locked markers are useful for projects that require you to sync the music or sound with film scores or multimedia presentations. See To add a marker.Music Creator takes the current snap grid settings into account when you move or copy markers. For example, if the snap grid is set to even measure boundaries, any time you move or copy a marker, the marker will be snapped to the beginning of the nearest measure. You are allowed to have any number of markers at a single time point. To display the Markers view, choose Views > Markers. From the Markers view, you can use the File > Print and File > Print Preview commands to print a listing of markers.Figure 74. The Markers view
1. Open the Markers dialog box in one of the following ways:
Choose Project > Insert Marker.
Right-click in the Time Ruler and select Insert Marker.Music Creator displays the Marker dialog box.
2. Enter a name for the marker in the Name box.
4. Check the Locked to SMPTE box if you want to lock the marker to the SMPTE time.
5. Click OK.
3. Click OK.
2. Music Creator deletes the marker. You can use Edit > Undo if you make a mistake.Music Creator deletes the selected markers. You can use Undo if you make a mistake.
If looping is enabled, click to the right of the Loop Start marker to select the loop region
If punch recording is enabled, click to the right of the Punch In marker to select the punch region
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