Cakewalk // Documentation // Music Creator 6 Touch // Using control groups
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Mixing ► Using control groups

Music Creator lets you link faders, knobs, or buttons in the Track view, Track Inspector and Console view into groups. Groups are collections of controls whose movements are linked together. For example:
Two Volume faders or controls can be grouped so that when you increase or decrease the volume of one track, the volume of the other track changes in exactly the same way.
Four Mute buttons can be grouped so that when you click on the Mute button to mute track 1, tracks 1 and 2 are muted and tracks 3 and 4 are un-muted.
When you have defined a custom group, you can adjust the starting and ending position of each control using the Group Settings dialog box or using pop-up menus on the controls in the group.
Choose Remove From Group from the menu.
Right-click a control in the group, and choose Clear Group from the pop-up menu.
Right-click on any control in the group and choose Group Manager to display the Group Manager dialog box.
Figure 211. The Group Manager dialog
Choose Absolute or Relative as the group type and click OK.
Right-click on any control in the group and choose Group Manager to display the Group Manager dialog box.
Choose Custom as the group type. The starting and ending values for each control are displayed.
Click Close when you are done.
Choose Value > Set Start = Current.
The Set Start = Current and Set End = Current commands set the range of motion that a grouped control moves through as the other members of the group move through their starting and ending values. You don’t have to designate a group as a custom group to create a custom group—just group some controls and set their starting and ending values.
Choose Value > Set End = Current.
The Set Start = Current and Set End = Current commands set the range of motion that a grouped control moves through as the other members of the group move through their starting and ending values. You don’t have to designate a group as a custom group to create a custom group—just group some controls and set their starting and ending values.

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