Cakewalk // Documentation // Music Creator 6 Touch // Adding expression marks
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Notation and lyricsChords and marks ► Adding expression marks

Expression marks tell a performer how to interpret the notes and durations on the page. They provide a necessary supplement to simple notation, in which notes have only pitch and duration, but no hint of how loudly, softly, or smoothly, they are to be played. Dynamic marks—from ppp (pianissimo) for “very, very softly” through fff (fortissimo) for “very, very forcefully”—allow notation to convey volume instructions. Expression marks are also needed to specify other aspects of performance, such as whether a passage is to be played legato or staccato. Finally, expression marks can be used to convey to the performer the composer's suggestions or requirements as to how a passage should be interpreted. In such cases the language used can leave much to the imagination, as in with majesty or abrasively.
cresc.     -     -     -         ff
accel.           -     -     -
Click the Expression button in the Staff view.
Right-click the expression mark to open the Expression Text Properties dialog box.
Figure 242. The Expression Text Properties dialog

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