The FX Chain module allows you to use FX Chains (see Effects chains) and individual audio effects within the ProChannel signal flow. The FX Chain module can be used as an effects bin that can be inserted between other ProChannel modules.An FX Chain is a container that can include multiple audio plug-ins. Assignable knobs and buttons can control automatable plug-in parameters in the FX Chain. An FX Chain preset can store up to six assignable knobs and six assignable buttons.Figure 302. FX Chain module.A. Clipping LED B. FX Chain enable/disable C. FX Chain name (double-click to edit) D. Input level E. Show Controls page F. Show Effects page G. Assignable button (right-click to assign) H. Output level I. Assignable rotary (right-click to assign) J. Click button to bypass/un-bypass plug-in K. List of effects in chain (double-click to open plug-in; drag to reorder) L. Scroll bar
FX Chain preset name. The name of the current FX Chain preset. Double-click to rename.
Controls page. The Controls page shows the automatable effect parameters that are assigned to the FX Chain knobs and buttons:
Input level. Input level before the FX Chain. This parameter is automatable.
Assignable rotaries. Up to 6 assignable rotaries allow you to control automatable plug-in parameters without having to open a plug-in's property page. For details, see Using assignable controls.
Assignable buttons. Up to 6 assignable buttons allow you to control automatable plug-in parameters without having to open a plug-in's property page. For details, see Using assignable controls.
Output level. Output level after the FX Chain. This parameter is automatable.
Effects page. The Effects page shows a list of all plug-ins that are included in the current FX Chain preset. The signal flows from top to bottom. Drag to reorder plug-ins, and right-click to add/remove plug-ins. You can bypass individual plug-ins by clicking the small bypass toggle to the left of the plug-in name.
Note: Unlike the FX Chain plug-in (see Effects chains), all buttons and knobs in the ProChannel FX Chain module are always visible when showing the Controls page. Buttons and knobs that are not assigned to an automatable effect parameter are disabled.
Tip: Knob and button labels are sometimes truncated. Move the mouse pointer over the control to see the full label in a Tooltip.Do one of the following:
Click the Insert Module buttonin the Inspector and choose FX Chain on the pop-up menu. An empty FX Chain module appears with the Effects page visible.
Right-click a module header or blank space in ProChannel and select Insert Module > FX Chain on the pop-up menu. An empty FX Chain module appears with the Effects page visible.
Drag an audio effect from the Browser to ProChannel. An empty FX Chain module appears with the Effects page visible, and the audio effect’s property page appears.Do one of the following:
On the Effects page, right-click the effects bin and choose Load FX Chain Preset on the pop-up menu. Select the desired FX Chain Preset file (*.fxc) in the Load FX Chain Preset dialog box and click Open.
From the Plug-in tab of the Browser, under Audio, expand the FX Chain branch and drag the preset to ProChannel.
Right-click the preset name field and choose Load FX Chain Preset on the pop-up menu.Figure 303. To create a new FX Chain, drag an FX Chain preset from the Browser’s Audio tab to an audio track or audio clip effects bin.Do one of the following:
On the Effects page, right-click the effects bin, point to Audio FX and choose the desired audio effect on the pop-up menu.
From the Plug-in tab of the Browser, under Audio FX, drag the desired effect the FX Chain module’s Effects page.Right-click the effect name on the Effects page and choose Delete on the pop-up menu.Do one of the following:
Right-click the preset name field and choose Save FX Chain Preset on the pop-up menu.
Right-click the effects bin on the Effects page and choose Save FX Chain Preset on the pop-up menu.Right-click the control and choose Edit Control on the pop-up menu.Right-click the control and choose Write Enable Automation on the pop-up menu.Right-click the control and choose Read Enable Control on the pop-up menu.Effects in an FX Chain can be automated just like other effects in an effects bin. Parameter names for plug-ins that reside within an FX Chain container are listed in submenu's prefixed by the associated FX Chain name.You can also use ACT to control the FX Chain’s input level, output level and assignable knobs and buttons. For details, see ACT.Right-click a knob or button in the FX Chain module and choose Edit control on the pop-up menu to open the Control Properties dialog box.Figure 304. Assignable control properties.The Control Properties dialog box contains the following settings:
Name. The name of the assignable control, shown as the label.
Position. The “slot” position of the control, from left to right.
Destination. Choose up to four automatable plug-in parameters to control with the assignable knob or button.
Start. The start value for the destination parameter, specified as a percentage (0.00% to 100.00%).
End. The end value for the destination parameter, specified as a percentage (0.00% to 100.00%). You can also set Start and End values automatically. For details, see To set parameter value range automatically.Right-click a knob or button in the FX Chain module and choose Remove control on the pop-up menu to open the Control Properties dialog box. The assigned parameter(s) is removed from the control, but the control remains visible.
1. Right-click a knob or button in the FX Chain module and choose Edit control on the pop-up menu to open the Control Properties dialog box.
2. Right-click a knob or button in the FX Chain module, point to Ranges on the pop-up menu and choose one of the following commands:
All Parameters- Set Start. Set the Start value of all parameters assigned to the FX Chain knob or button. The values are determined by the current position of each plug-in’s property page settings.
All Parameters- Set End. Set the End value of all parameters assigned to the FX Chain knob or button. The values are determined by the current position of each plug-in’s property page settings.
<Plug-in name - Parameter name>- Set Start. Set the Start value of a specific parameter assigned to the FX Chain knob or button.
<Plug-in name - Parameter name>- Set End. Set the End value of a specific parameter assigned to the FX Chain knob or button.
2. Right-click the knob or button and choose Set Default Value on the pop-up menu.
1. Right-click an assignable knob or button in the FX Chain module’s Controls page and choose Edit control on the pop-up menu to open the Control Properties dialog box.
2. Specify an automatable plug-in parameter in the Destination list. You can specify up to four parameters for each knob and button.
Note: You can also “learn” plug-in parameters by simply touching controls in plug-in property pages. To do so, right-click in the FX Chain module’s Controls page and select Learn Knobs or Learn Buttons on the pop-up menu. Touch the plug-in parameters you want to assign, then select Learn Knobs or Learn Buttons again to exit learn mode.You can change the colors and graphics that are displayed in each FX Chain. To do so, right-click the FX Chain module and click Customize UI on the pop-up menu to open the Settings dialog box.The Settings dialog box contains the following settings:
Background Image. The main background image in the FX Chain Controls page.
Preset Background Image. The image behind the preset name.
Preset Text Color. Color of preset name.
Label Text Color. Color of button and knob text labels.Figure 307. FX Chain UI.
Note: The Fader Cap, Button Image, and Rotary Image settings can not be customized from the FX Chain module. To customize all images, create the FX Chain preset in a track’s effects bin (see Effects chains and Customizing the FX Chain UI (Producer and Studio only)), then load the FX Chain preset into ProChannel.
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