Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR X2 // Input quantizing
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Recording ► Input quantizing

Input quantizing allows you to automatically quantize MIDI input during recording. You can see the results immediately, and hear the results as soon as a track is looped.
Note: Input quantizing does not destroy your original recording. If you press CTRL+Z after you finish recording with input quantizing enabled, the quantized clip is deleted, and the original unquantized clip appears, just as you recorded it. If you are using loop recording in Sound On Sound mode, all the quantized clips are deleted.
Click the track’s Enable/Disable Input button in the Track Inspector.
Click the track’s Input Quantize resolution control in the Track Inspector, then choose a resolution from the drop-down menu. You can also click Quantize Settings in the resolution menu to open the Input Quantize dialog box, and type a number of ticks in the Resolution field.
Note: To quantize to a custom resolution value, open the Input Quantize dialog box, and type a custom number of ticks in the Resolution field.
Click the track’s Input Quantize resolution menu in the Track Inspector, choose Quantize Settings to open the Input Quantize dialog box, select the desired settings, then and click OK.
Note: To get explanations of the options in the Input Quantize dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is open.
When the track is armed for recording, the track’s Arm button displays Q instead of a red cirle.
The red swath that appears in a track in the area where recording is taking place changes color. You can choose a color for this in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Colors by choosing Clips Pane in the Color Category menu, and changing the entry for Input Quantize Record Preview Background.

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