Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR X2 // Arpeggiator
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Recording ► Arpeggiator

The arpeggiator lets you play intricate patterns of notes that would otherwise be extremely difficult or impossible to play manually and at speeds and octave ranges that exist beyond the physical limitations of the player or keyboard range.
Arpeggiated events are new events that are based on notes that you play on your controller keyboard. The new events are rhythmically and harmonically specified by the arpeggiator’s preset, allowing you to “play” an endless variety sophisticated musical passages with simple key pressing.
Each MIDI and instrument track has its own integrated arpeggiator, visually located in the Track view. Running multiple arpeggiators across tracks can help realize exciting melodic and rhythmic textures.
Enables/disables the arpeggiator on a given track. This control can be assigned to MIDI remote control and modified in real-time during project playback.
Adjusts the relative speed of the arpeggiator sequence by changing all the note durations by a factor of the current tempo. This control can be assigned to MIDI remote control and modified in real-time during project playback.
Sets the number of octaves through which the arpeggio will play. A value of 1 means that a held chord will only arpeggiate the notes that are being held within the octave from which the notes are being transmitted. A value of 2 means a held chord will arpeggiate for two octaves. The held chord always represents the bass octave, meaning that the other octaves sound in a higher register.
If you specify a range higher than the standard MIDI specifications, the Arpeggiator will repeat the pattern in the highest available octave as necessary.
Sets the amount of swing applied to the selected pattern. You can make a pattern of 8th, 16th, or 32nd notes play back as swing notes instead of straight notes. The amount of swing ranges from 0 (no swing) to 100% (maximum swing).
When 0, simultaneously held notes arpeggiate as single notes. At 50%, simultaneously held notes are heard as a chord in addition to the usual arpeggiated notes, both at equal levels. At 100%, only the held chord is audible.
Control: Knob (0 – 100%); this control can be assigned to MIDI remote control and modified in real-time during project playback.
MIDI input and output menu—the Arpeggiator only affects input data that’s on the MIDI channels listed on this menu. The arpeggiator always obeys the track’s assigned output channel, plus any additional channels specified in the arpeggiators Ch menu.

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