Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Using the Media Browser
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Browser ► Using the Media Browser

Figure 307. Media Browser.
A. Show Media Browser B. Browser menu C. Content Location menu D. Dock/undock E. Docking options F. Expand/collapse G. Move up one level to the parent directory H. Search filter I. File list J. Play/Stop K. Delete content preset L. Save content preset
A. Folder pane
Show Media Browser . Show the Media Browser.
Browser menu. The Browser menu lets you choose how content files are displayed and specify options for previewing audio and MIDI files. The menu contains the following commands:
Views. The Views submenu lets you specify how files are displayed in the file list view. The options are as follows:
Icons. Icons view displays your files and folders as icons. The file name is displayed under the icon.
List. List view displays the contents of a folder as a list of file or folder names preceded by small icons.
Details. Details view displays the file size, type and when the file was last modified.
Folders. This option lets you show/hide the Folders pane.
Show All Files And Folders. This option lets you show all files and folders, not just media files.
Auto-Preview. When Auto Preview is selected, you can automatically previews loops and files when you click on them in the Media Browser view. If the selected file is a Groove clip, it plays back in the project tempo and key.
Preview at Host Tempo. When Preview at Host Tempo is selected, audio and MIDI groove clips follow the project’s tempo at the current Now time.
Loop Preview. Select Loop Preview to continuously loop the selected file(s) during preview. When Loop Preview is enabled, all previewed loops are synchronized. When Loop Preview is disabled, all previewed loops always start from the beginning.
Search filter. The search filter allows you to only show content that includes a specific text string in the file name. Searching is recursive, and the search results include the following:
Content Location menu. The Content Location menu allows you to quickly jump to favorite content locations on your hard disk. You can save and recall your own Content Location presets.
Save Content Location Preset . Save the current folder as a Content Location preset. By default, the folder name is used as the preset name, but you can type any desired name before you click the Save Content Location Preset button.
Delete Content Location Preset . Delete the selected Content Location preset.
Move Up One Level . Open the folder one level above the active folder.
Play . Play the currently selected media file.
Content List pane. The Content List pane shows all supported files in the active folder. Icons to the left of file names indicate the file type, including if it is a Groove Clip. When pointing to a file, the tooltip shows the full file name.
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