Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Channel strips
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View referenceConsole view ► Channel strips

Audio track. Use to control tracks that contain digital audio data, which is routed to your hardware audio interface. For details, see Audio track controls.
MIDI track. Use to control tracks that contain MIDI data. MIDI tracks can control external MIDI devices or software instruments. For details, see MIDI track controls.
Instrument track. Use to control software instruments. For details, see Instrument track controls.
Bus. Use to create submixes, headphone mixes, and effects sends. Sonar supports both stereo buses and surround buses. For details, see Bus controls.
Hardware Output. Use to control the physical audio outputs of your audio interface. A hardware output channel strip contains both a left and right output and two volume controls. For details, see Hardware Output controls.
Click the Strips menu in the Console view and choose the desired channel strip type.
Figure 634. Console view Strips menu.
Note: The Input Pan control is not visible in narrow channel strips.
Note: The ProChannel EQ plot is not visible in narrow channel strips.
Note: The Send Pan control is not visible in narrow channel strips.
Note: The Phase Invert control is not visible in narrow channel strips.
Note: The Mono/Stereo control is not visible in narrow channel strips.
Note: The Read Automation control is not visible in narrow channel strips.
Note: The Write Automation control is not visible in narrow channel strips.
Hardware out faders can be linked using the Link button . This allows you to adjust both the left and right channel at the same time.
A. Input gain B. ProChannel C. FX Rack D. Sends E. Mute, Solo, Arm, Input Echo, Phase Invert, Stereo Interleave, Read Automation, Write Automation F. Pan G. Volume H. Meter I. Track icon J. Input and output K. Track name and number L. Track color M. WAI display
A. Velocity trim B. FX Rack C. Channel/Bank/Patch D. Mute, Solo, Arm, Input Echo, Read Automation, Write Automation E. Pan F. Volume G. Meter H. Track icon I. Input and output J. Track name and number K. Track color L. WAI display
A. Velocity trim B. ProChannel C. FX Rack D. Sends E. Mute, Solo, Arm, Input Echo, Read Automation, Write Automation F. Pan G. Volume H. Meter I. Track icon J. Input and output K. Track name and number L. Track color M. WAI display
A. Input gain and pan B. ProChannel C. FX Rack D. Sends E. Mute, Solo, Read Automation, Write Automation F. Pan G. Volume H. Meter I. Bus Icon J. Output K. Bus name and letter L. Bus color M. WAI display
A. Mute B. Link channels C. Volume D. Meter E. Icon F. Hardware Output name G. WAI display
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