Guitar Tracks 2 keeps crashing. What can I do?

Last updated on 3/28/2016

If you are receiving crashes in GT2, there may be either corrupted files in Cakewalk, Windows, or in your sound card drivers. To resolve the problem, try the following steps:

1.Please go to Windows Update and download all of the critical updates.
2.Reinstall your sound card drivers. You should follow any directions the manufacturer provides on Uninstalling the drivers first. Once they are completely removed, reinstall the latest drivers for the card. These are available for free on the sound card manufacturer's website and are often located under the Support or Download section.
3. Delete Initialization files: Choose Start | Find | Files or Folders, and change the Look In to My Computer. Next type in the two files below, one at a time and hit Find Now. GT2AUDDX.INI AUD.INI Left Click on the file's icon once to select it and press delete on your keyboard.
4. Uninstall Cakewalk Next, you should completely un-install Cakewalk from your computer. This is normally done from Start | Programs | Cakewalk. If Uninstall Cakewalk is not available to you here, check Control Panels/Add Remove Programs. If Cakewalk appears in this list, un-install it from here. Make sure nothing else is running while reinstalling GT in step 'e'. In Win 98/ME/XP, choose Start | Run and type MSCONFIG. Click OK, then click on the Startup tab at the upper right of the window that opens. Uncheck all items listed, click OK, then restart your computer. You can always recheck those items again at a later time. In Win 2000, click Ctrl+Alt+Del and manually End Task on the items you don't need running. Restart your computer.
5. Registry Clean Click the Windows Start Button and select Run. At the prompt type REGEDIT and click OK. Backup your Registry before making edits - you do this by clicking the Registry menu, Export Registry File. Now delete the following Registry keys HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software
6. Reinstall Cakewalk and restart your computer This should eliminate any software irregularities that are causing your problem, but let us know if it does not.


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