A patch point is an internal routing path used to route audio from a track output, bus output, or send to an audio track input. The virtual inputs can then be input monitored or recorded. You can think of patch points as virtual patch cables.
Click the Output control for the audio track, bus, or send you want to route to a new Aux track, then select New Aux Track on the pop-up menu.The New Aux Track command functions as a time-saving macro. When you create a new Aux track, Cakewalk does the following automatically:
Creates a new audio track named Aux n (same name as the patch point). If you rename the Aux track, Cakewalk will automatically rename the corresponding patch point.Figure 434. Aux track
Figure 435. Patch point signal flow.Do one of the following:
Click an audio track or bus Output control and select New Patch Point on the pop-up menu.
Click an audio track Input control and select New Patch Point on the pop-up menu.
Right-click track or bus and select Insert Send > New Patch Point.
Click the Insert Send buttonat the top of the Sends module in the Console view or Inspector, then select New Patch Point on the pop-up menu.
Tip: You can use Quick Grouping to assign multiple tracks/buses/sends simultaneously to a patch point. To do so, select multiple tracks or buses, then hold down the CTRL key while you assign or create the patch point. For more information about Quick Groups, see Quick Groups. If you create a new patch point while holding down the CTRL key, all sends/outputs or inputs will be assigned to the newly created patch point.
Table 75. Valid patch point connections Click the Input control in an audio track to open the Input menu, point to the patch point you want to rename, then select Rename Patch Point on the pop-up menu.Do one of the following:
Tip: You can use Quick Grouping to assign multiple tracks/buses/sends simultaneously to a patch point. To do so, select multiple tracks or buses, then hold down the CTRL key while you assign or create the patch point. For more information about Quick Groups, see Quick Groups. If you create a new patch point while holding down the CTRL key, all sends/outputs or inputs will be assigned to the newly created patch point.Click the Input, Output, or Send control you want to clear, then select None on the pop-up menu. You can also select a hardware input/output or bus to clear the current patch point assignment.
When you open a project, Cakewalk automatically deletes any unused patch points in the project. A patch point is considered unused when no Inputs, Outputs, or Sends are connected to it. For details, see To clear a patch point assignment.
2. Click the audio track’s Output control and select New Aux Track on the pop-up menu.
2. Hold down the CTRL key while you click the Output control on any of the selected tracks, then select New Aux Track on the pop-up menu. All selected tracks are assigned to the new Aux track. For more information about Quick Groups, see Quick Groups.
1. Right-click the audio track and select Insert Send > New Stereo Bus on the pop-up menu.
3. Click the bus’ Output control and select New Aux Track on the pop-up menu.
1. Go to Insert > Stereo Bus to create a new bus for the audio metronome.
2. Rename the new bus to Metronome.
3. Go to Edit > Preferences > Project - Metronome.
4. Select the Recording check box and clear the Playback check box (you will hear the recorded metronome instead during playback).
5. Select Use Audio Metronome.
6. Click the Output drop-down menu and select the bus named Metronome, then click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.
Note: If you do not see the Input control, click the Track Control button at the top of the Track pane and choose All. For more information, see Configuring Track view controls. Also, make sure you have expanded the track fully by dragging it down.
2. Hold down the CTRL key while you click the Output control on any of the selected tracks, then select New Aux Track on the pop-up menu. All selected tracks are assigned to the new Aux track. For more information about Quick Groups, see Quick Groups.
2. Right-click the Guitar track and select Insert Send > New Aux Track on the pop-up menu.
5. Hold down the CTRL key while you click the Output control on either of the selected tracks, then select New Aux Track on the pop-up menu. Both the Guitar track and Aux tracks are assigned to the new Aux track. For more information about Quick Groups, see Quick Groups.
Tip - Searching Documentation
Tip: To search for a specific topic, type your search query in the Search Cakewalk.com field at the top right of this page.
When the search results appear, click which product's documentation you would like to search to filter the search results further.
Note - Using Offline Help
Note: If you prefer to always use offline Help, go to Edit > Preferences > File > Advanced in your Cakewalk software and select Always Use Offline Help.
If you are not connected to the internet, your Cakewalk software will default to showing offline help until an internet connection becomes available.