Project5 Version 2 - Bus Pane

Last updated on 3/18/2016

The information in this article applies to:

  • Project5 Version 2

The Bus pane is located below the Track pane, and contains strips of controls for the master output (main output), the aux buses, and the tempo track. You can hide or show the Bus pane by clicking the Show/Hide Aux/Master/Tempo button Aux/Master/Tempo that's at the bottom of the Bus pane. The Bus pane, and the part of the Arrange pane that the Bus pane uses, are separated from the Track pane and the upper part of the Arrange pane by a splitter bar. You can drag the splitter bar to resize the Track pane and the Bus pane. Each control strip in the Bus pane contains the following controls:



Arm button Click this button to arm a bus strip for automation recording. After you start recording, you can move any of the bus strip's controls, and record the movements as automation.
Strip number This number represents the order the bus appears in the Bus pane. If you drag an individual track strip to another location, the name of the strip that you drag stays the same but its number changes.
Bus name A name for the bus that you can edit. Double-click the name to enable editing (except for the Master bus), and press Enter to save your name change.
Mute button Click this button to silence a bus.
Volume meter Displays the bus's volume level.
Volume slider Drag this slider to adjust the bus volume. The minimum volume for a bus is -INF (no volume) and the maximum volume is 6 dB.
Balance/Width slider (balance) Drag this slider to change the stereo balance for the bus. This value ranges from 100% Left to 100% R. Center is represented by C, which is the default value. You can restore most Project5 controls to their default values by double-clicking them. This slider also controls Width, when you hold the Ctrl key down while you drag.
Balance/Width slider (width) Ctrl-drag (hold the Ctrl key down while you drag) the Balance slider to control Width. Width is the perceived distance between the left and right stereo channels. Width ranges from 0 to 180 degrees. 0 degree is effectively mono while 180 degrees is extreme left/right separation.
Tempo track You can draw tempo changes in this track with the Automation tool that's in the Main Control view. The slider on the Tempo Track controls what range of tempo is displayed in the Arrange pane. When the slider is all the way to the left, the Arrange pane can display tempos ranging from 0 to 200 bpm. When the slider is all the way to the right, the Arrange pane can display tempos ranging from 0 to 1000 bpm.



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