My netbook does not have an optical drive, how do I install the software?
Last updated on 3/31/2016Download installations of Guitar Tracks 4 and the VS-20 Effects Editor are available to registered V-Studio 20 customers. After registering your V-Studio 20 you will be provided with a direct link to download your software installers. You can register your V-Studio 20 by filling out the registration form on our website at
Additionally, the most recent drivers for your V-Studio 20 hardware can be downloaded from our website by clicking here.
Installation Instructions:
- Download the V-Studio_20.exe installer to your desktop. The download link is provided after registering.
- Double-click on V-Studio_20.exe to launch the extraction installer. This will extract a "V-Studio 20" folder to your desktop.
- Install the V-Studio 20 hardware drivers for your operating system.
- For 32-bit operating systems, navigate to V-Studio 20\Drivers\~YourOS~ and run Setup.exe
- For 64-bit operating systems, navigate to V-Studio 20\x64Drivers\~YourOS~ and run Setup.exe
- Connect your V-Studio 20 to your computer with the USB cable provided when prompted by the installer
- Install Guitar Tracks 4 by navigating to V-Studio 20\Guitar Tracks and running Setup.exe
- Install the VS-20 Effects Editor by navigating to V-Studio 20\Editor and running Setup.exe