Bouncing audio abnormally slow / rendered soft synths sound different from playback

Last updated on 3/18/2016

SONAR X1 has a variable, BounceBufSizeMsec, that controls the buffer size for exporting audio independently of your current latency setting.

At a value of 0, the bounce buffer is the same size as the Mixing Latency value that you set in Edit > Preferences > Audio - Driver Settings. If you find that bouncing tracks, especially with certain soft synths, takes a very long time, you can set this value to 100, or some value between 0 and 350 so that the bounce buffer will use a more efficient size for bouncing, which has different requirements from normal playback latency.


        Note: on larger projects, setting this variable to a large value can cause out-of-memory errors.

If you are experiencing SONAR X1 taking abnormally long to bounce audio files to disc or if some soft synths are rendering audibly different then how they play back in your project, it may be related to your BounceBufSizeMsec variable setting.

To resolve this, do the following:


  1. Download and install the SONAR X1A Update from here.
  2. In SONAR X1, go to Edit | Preferences and switch from Basic Settings to Advanced Settings
  3. Under Audio, click on Configuration File
  4. Locate "BounceBufSizeMsec" and change the number under the Value column from "30" to "0"
  5. Click [Apply] then [OK]
  6. Restart SONAR X1


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